Monday, April 19, 2010

Privacy Issues in a Digital World

Privacy on the web... What does that mean? First of all, there is NO privacy on the World Wide Web. Although my Facebook page is restricted to anyone that is not my “friend,” I will not post anything I don’t want people to see. I placed friend in quotes because not everyone in my friend list is just that. It may include people I graduated high school with whom I now never speak to; a “friend” may even include people I went to elementary school with. The thing is that I may have known these individuals at one point of time, but when I grow up and don’t spend time with them, I basically do not know them at all. Hmm, I guess I should go through that friend list and delete everyone who I don’t speak to.

I am also on Twitter. My tweets may be protected but they could still get to the public. For instance, when you tag someone in a comment on Twitter, they will see what you said about them. This is cool because sometimes celebrities that you follow will see the “tweet” you post and they will write a comment back. But wait, I thought my tweets were protected. Too, if you have a friend to reply to one of your tweets, then whoever can see your friend’s page can see the comment you tweeted that they replied to. It sounds a little confusing, but the main point is that no one can be thoroughly protected on the internet.

The best advice would be not to put anything on the internet that you don’t want others to see. I know for myself, I never put my full name on sites. I usually use my last initial, that way it would be more difficult to find me. Employers, too, can find potential employees on the internet. They can learn much about you from your status updates to your tweets. They know what activities you participate in and the kind of things you talk about with your friends. Future employers can look at your online profile to figure if they would like to work with you or not. It would be horrible to be denied a job before an interview. It is like you have no control, but you do. You have the power and control not to post dishonorable things on the internet.

So I Googled my name. I guess it doesn’t help that my cousin has the same name; however, I saw a blog that I had to create for another class there along with a site where you could contact me. What?! The email address was blurred out except for the first and last letters, (which were correct) but you had to pay to see more information. That was a bit scary, not to mention, I could find myself in the white pages where they even had my middle name and relatives! Now I was more shocked than ever. I personally feel that if someone wants to know information about me, they need to ask me; they should not be able to search me on Google. I think it is fine to Google celebrities but for an average Jane, like me, it’s surprising and somewhat creepy.

Now these large companies are paying their employees to be able to recommend products to a specific individual. Netflix and Amazon recommend products that are similar to the ones that you have bought or rented in the past. Granted, it’s a nice jester, but seriously, it is like someone who may like rice; then, someone that they have never met comes along, assuming they like Asian foods (since they have rice), with three plates of different rice dishes they “recommend.” Like I said, it’s nice, but it’s weird! It just shows that the portion of privacy you may have thought you had is ever so decreasing. Those who are growing up in this digital generation will have no clue what privacy is. They should expect nothing from privacy.

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The Future of Television

I know I love the option to watch TV on the internet. It’s an extra 10 dollars to the cable bill to have the option to DVR and since the bill is already near a hundred dollars, I am not trying to make any . This brings me to why the internet is such a good option to watch TV. If I miss the current episode of 24, I can catch it online.

The internet changes the current network model because we can watch programs when they are convenient for us, rather than scheduling our day around a television program. You see my problem is that Monday night is just a great night for TV. I was getting really into 24 this season; however, that all changed when the new season of Gossip Girl started, at the same time as 24. As much as I try, I just can’t get the best out of both shows by switching at commercials, I end up needing to watch both episodes again. Now, I found a solution; I watch gossip girl, then catch up with 24 the following week, online. So this has to mean the big monopolies have no control over me, right?

Wrong. NBC, FOX, CBS and ABC still control what we watch. Through the internet, we are still watching the programs created by the big companies; the only thing we have control over is when we watch the programs and they still have control over that, too. Internet TV and new movies are similar in this case. You know it takes months to film movies and we may know that, but once we watch the preview and see the day it is to play in theaters, we are there. It is just something about seeing the movie the weekend it comes out, for me; I know if I don’t go the opening weekend, I am more and more likely not to watch the film at the theater. With internet TV programs, they are not usually available to view the same night that they premier. To wait a week may not be a big deal for some but for most they want to watch the show the night it premiers, so they try their hardest to get home and watch the show at its regular viewing time.

Sites like YouTube have created a long tail for television on the internet. There was an award show playing, I missed an artist’s performance, but you better believe I caught Lady Gaga’s performance on YouTube the same night. I was amazing and although it looked like someone was pointing a video camera at their television to record, I was happy to be able to watch the performance everyone had been discussing. However, I would have to argue that even if independent producers, found on YouTube, had created a series of shows and skipped the network system all together, they would still be unsuccessful. One of the monopolizing three-letter companies would ask the producer to work with their network. The producer won’t want to the opportunity to pass; to be on a real TV station is usually the goal. Who’s going to turn down more publicity, distribution, and probably money?

The book The Television Will Be Revolutionized by Amanda D. Lotz explains the "5 C's of the Post-Network Era or the TV on internet Era.

Choice: Television online gives a great deal of choice to its viewers. People have a huge selection of shows to view and they have the choice to watch any of them, when they want to.

Control: Control works right along with choice. By having the choice to choose, it means individuals are allowed to control what they watch. The option is to fit TV into busy schedules for a time that works best with one’s schedule.

Convenience: I guess all these C’s are beginning to run all together. I just stated TV becomes available at our convenience rather than trying to do your grocery shopping all before your TV show comes on. Too, more than half of us Americans spend our day in front of the computer screen anyway; it’s just one more click to view a TV program.

Customization: Networks today have a certain day when a particular show is to come on. During the Post Network Era, we will be able to customize a show to whatever order we would like to view our shows.

Community: Everyone is on the internet creating an online community. Through Facebook and Twitter, discussions about TV shows can be shared with those who have interests in common through the internet.

With all this being said, I feel the future of television looks like it will not be depended upon as much; it will just be another gadget that loses importance with time.

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Monday, April 5, 2010

Assignment 6

Digital Distribution

When I first saw the phrase “citizen journalism,” the first person to come to mind was my Nana. It seems that she fills her entire day with watching the news. I, on the other hand, don’t watch the news. I just feel it is depressing and don’t want to bring down my morale. Although I make no effort to consider local news on television and in the newspaper, I skim across various topics on the internet, when I check my email. However, my most reliable source is none other than, Nana! She feels the need to update me on the newly reported news. Well actually, she assumes I have already seen it, asking me “Did you see blah blah blah?” or “You know that [insert animal flu] is going around, you need to be careful.” So, despite my intentions to miss the depressing news, she still feels me in on what’s going on in the city. My Nana is playing the role of a citizen journalist. She takes the news, adds her own comprehension and perception of the news and then she spreads it to other through word of mouth. I cannot knock my Nana, though, for her method of journalism. I am also involved in citizen journalism. Topics that interest me mostly consist of entertaining topics. I have a twitter page where I share random, funny, and/or interesting news I have heard that day.

Other organizations are adapting to digital media by offering news on the internet. Twitter and Facebook pages are also a way such organizations promote themselves along with updated news. By choosing to “follow” such organizations or corporations will allow their latest news to appear on you news feed. For the better, there is an expansion of those who receive media. For those busy individuals, the time is not available to sit and devote time to gaining access of the latest news. However, that same busy individual will tweet for hours. Various organizations can get their news out to more individuals with the digital expansion. The only pro is that with many media outtakes, it makes it difficult for individuals who are not in front of a computer screen all day. These individuals have a limited way of accessing information. So the good news is that the long tail allows for more individuals, but the people who get news are limited. For example, my Nana doesn’t go online to find her news; she is strictly a television news watcher.


Pros: larger audience, cheaper, environment friendly (no trees for paper), quickly distributed, younger audience, staying afloat in a world of technology

Cons: unable to reach non-computer savvy individuals, job downsizing, more dependence on electronics, people only get bits of the news

In Ten Years… there will be a greater coverage online for news spread. I hope these “web creators” realized everything does well in moderation. Print journalism may be the old fashioned way but it may prove to be a good way to share news rather than posting everything on the internet.

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